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Click a question, or scroll down to learn more about Web Management:

How can I change my FTP username and password?
Which HTML/Web Site editor should I use to create my web site?
How do I make web pages for use on your servers?
How do I upload files to the web server?
What is FTP or File Transfer Protocol and how do I use it?
How do I configure my FTP software?
How do I get my home page to load automatically?
I just made a change on my site, but I do not see the change in my browser 
I accidentally deleted a file off of my site. What can I do to restore it?
How do I create directories within my web site?
How do I set permissions on files and directories?
How do I get started with FrontPage 2000?

How can I change my FTP username and password?

Your FTP username and password cannot be changed due to the fact that it marks your site's location on our virtual hosting servers. 

Which HTML/Web Site editor should I use to create my web site?

You can use any HTML editor that creates standard HTML code, as long as it does not require server extensions to be installed (with the exception of Microsoft FrontPage). Keep in mind, with the number of editor programs that are available to you growing each day, we are limited in the support that we can provide for applications we are not familiar with. The best source of support for your editor program is the manual, the help files, or the technical support provided by the product's company.

How do I make web pages for use on your server?

Click below for additional help on a particular topic:
Rules for filenames
Where to put your files
Important conventions to use
General HTML do's and dont's
Transferring your pages
Viewing your pages

How do I upload files to the web server?

You will use either an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program, , MS  FrontPage,  or a utility built into your HTML editor to upload. If you are constructing your site in an application that we do not support, please refer to its built in help, online documentation or manual for help in publishing.

What is FTP or File Transfer Protocol and how do I use it?

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the simplest way to transfer files between computers on the Internet. Each web hosting account can be reached via FTP 24 hours a day 7 days a week and we have built a getting started guide for using FTP on our servers, available here.

How do I configure my FTP software?

Step by step instructions on configuring your FTP program (WS_FTP or Fetch, etc.) are accessible in our Getting Started with FTP guide, click here

How do I get my home page to load automatically?

If your web site is hosted on a Unix machine, you simply need to name the home page of your site one of the following (in preferred order): index.html, index.htm, index.shtml, index.cgi, index.php, home.html, home.htm, home.shtml, home.cgi, home.php.

If your web site is hosted on a NT machine, you simply need to name the home page of your site one of the following (in preferred order): Default.html, Default.htm, Default.asp, Default.cfm, default.html, default.htm, default.asp, default.cfm, index.html, index.htm, index.asp, index.cfm.


Please note that both case and spelling are important in naming your home page. Name it one of the above names, exactly as it appears (with upper and/or lowercase intact).  In order to get a particular page to load for the home page of a directory on your site, you simply need to follow the same naming scheme above. 
Also, if you have multiple index or default files in your home directory (or any other directory for that matter) only one can load for your home page. The server will serve the page that is listed first in the list above. (i.e., index.html and index.htm are in the same directory, but only index.html will load for the home page). 
If the wrong page is loading for the home page on your site, it is likely due to having multiple home page files. Either rename the one that you don't want to be the home page or remove the file (your preference). You may see such a problem occur most often with MS FrontPage, which likes to add an index or default file into your home directory, if it doesn't see one already. 

I just made a change on my site, but I do not see the change in my browser right away. What can I do?

Here are a couple of things to try out, preferably in the following order, until you find a solution: While you have the file open in your web browser, click on the "refresh" or "reload" button on the toolbar in your web browser.  
While you have the file open in your web browser, click on the "shift" key on your keyboard, and at the same time click on the "refresh" or "reload" button on the toolbar in your web browser. 
Close down your web browser, and reopen it. You may even want to go as far as disconnecting from the Internet or restarting your computer. 
Last but not least, if all of these other attempts fail, contact your Internet Service Provider to see if they perhaps are using any type of web caching on their servers (or proxy servers). Some Internet Service Providers use web caching on the servers you connect to the Internet through to make your connection to the Internet appear faster than it really is. These servers cache frequently accessed documents, so that the next time someone wishes to view that file, and they are connected to the Internet through that server, they will load an old cached copy of a file on the Internet Service Provider's server and not the newer copy on the hosting company's server. If your Internet Service Provider does use web caching, ask them how often they clear it. (That will be the amount of time you will have to wait each time you wish to view a changed file in your web browser through that Internet Service
Provider). Or, you may want to consider switching to an Internet Service Provider that does not use web caching. 

I accidentally deleted a file off of my site. What can I do to restore it?

Never under any circumstance should you not have a local back-up of your site saved. This means every time you make a change to your web site, you back up your files to your PC, or you work on the files on your PC and then publish them to the site (so that you have identical copies in both locations). The reason we say this is because if you ever accidentally remove a file off of your site and do not have
a back-up on your PC to upload quickly in its place, you will need to contact Technical Support, ask for the file to be restored and pay $175.00 per hour, billable in 30 minute increments. (You will be charged for the amount of time is takes to find the files on the backup system as well as for the time it takes to restore the files).

We perform full back-ups of our virtual hosting sites on weekends and incremental back-ups daily. However, the primary purpose for these back-ups is in case if there is ever a problem with the server or something that we have done so that we can restore your site free of charge. (We can tell based on the server's ftp log file who is
at fault).

How do I create directories within my web site?

If you connect to your web site via FTP, use the 'create a directory' button while in the directory that you want the new directory placed in. In WS_FTP, this button is known as MkDir. After clicking this button, you will be prompted for the new directory's name.

If you connect to your web site via MS FrontPage or Allaire ColdFusion, right-click with your mouse on the directory you want the new directory placed in, and choose "New Folder." You will then be prompted for the new directory's name.

How do I set permissions on files and directories?

If your web site is hosted on a Unix server, you can change permissions on a file or directory by either FTPing  to your account.

If you connect with FTP, upload the files and/or directories that you'll be changing the permissions on to your account. Click on the file, files, directory, or directories that you want to change the permissions on, and once they are highlighted, right-click on any one of them. You'll be presented with a drop down menu and you want to click the option to chmod (Unix). You'll then need to check the appropriate boxes to assign the proper permissions. If you know you have to set the permissions to a particular number, refer to this chart to find out which boxes you need to check.

How do I get started with FrontPage 2000?

We have developed a guide to help you get started with FrontPage 2000, click here

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